We've floated into a new month, so it's time to take a look at what's on the horizon.
The development team has been hard at work prototyping and iterating on ideas that will keep World of Warships at the forefront of gaming. While you can jump in and try one of them today, please keep in mind that the others are works in progress. Their future debuts may be much different than what's represented below. Enjoy!
Available Today
The captain may not rule the high seas with his sailing shortcomings, but he sure knows how to make a splash when it comes to tub time! A new game mode, internally referred to as "Jacuzzi Mode" is now available to play. Simply select one of the four cartoony event ships in your Port (one for each nation on the tech tree) and enter battle to start plunking away!
You will not earn XP or Credits in this game mode, but there are missions to net some rewards!
Note: It is not possible to form a Division while participating in "Jacuzzi Mode."
Starts March 31 at 15:00 PT / 18:00 ET
Ends April 11 at 04:20 PT / 07:20 ET
Bottlesheep: Jacuzzi Challenge
Inflict 10,000 points of damage to enemy ships in a single "Jacuzzi Mode" battle.
• Must use US event ship Bottlesheep
• Repeatable
• 50,000 Credits
• 1x Repair Party
• 1x "Sierra Mike" Signal Flag
• 1x "November Foxtrot" Signal Flag
• 1x "Mike Yankee Soxisix" Signal Flag
Bathyscrap: Jacuzzi Challenge
Inflict 10,000 points of damage to enemy ships in a single "Jacuzzi Mode" battle.
• Must use Russian event ship Bathyscrap
• Repeatable
• 50,000 Credits
• 1x Engine Boost
• 1x "India Yankee" Signal Flag
• 1x "Victor Lima" Signal Flag
• 1x "India X-Ray" Signal Flag
Pokeboat: Jacuzzi Challenge
Inflict 10,000 points of damage to enemy ships in a single "Jacuzzi Mode" battle.
• Must use Japanese event ship Pokeboat
• Repeatable
• 50,000 Credits
• 1x Smoke Generator
• 1x "India Delta" Signal Flag
• 1x "Juliet Charlie" Signal Flag
• 1x "November Echo Settleseven" Signal Flag
Das Boot: Jacuzzi Challenge
Inflict 10,000 points of damage to enemy ships in a single "Jacuzzi Mode" battle.
• Must use German event ship Das Boot
• Repeatable
• 50,000 Credits
• 1x Hydroacoustic Search
• 1x "Juliet Yankee Bissotwo" Signal Flag
• 1x "Juliet Whiseky Unaone" Signal Flag
• 1x "Hotel Yankee" Signal Flag
Looking to the Horizon
New Signals and Flags
The flag system is already fairly robust, but we're always looking for new ways to improve. In a future update, we're introducing three new signal flags. Here's an early look!
Yellow Jack Signal
“Infectious disease on board, do not approach.”
All ships in a 3km radius, enemy and ally, lose HP due to sickness being spread among the crew. Commander skills are inactive while this flag is equipped.
Quebec Signal
“Medical aid onboard. We can fix what ails you.”
Counters the "Yellow Jack" signal when within 2km of the infected ship. A great way to accompany your infected teammate into enemy waters.
Alpha Delta Signal
“I am abandoning my vessel due to a nuclear accident.”
Irradiates 5km area if your ship is sunk, causing damage to all ships that approach. Ideal for yolo-destroyers. Adds +20% chance of ammo rack detonation.
Border Surfing? Bring A Parachute!
The utterly despicable practice of "border surfing," or "border hugging," which sometimes infects the high seas of World of Warships, is being taken care of... for good! The developers have decided to take a page out of a much older, much flater, book. Take a look at the image below and let us know what you think in the comments!
Wallpaper: Click on the image above and then on the download icon at the top to select the appropriate size for your display. From there, right-click on the image to save.