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Sprint 2 Now Available: 80th Anniversary of the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay

History  Mission Chains

History of the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay

On one balmy night in November, 1943, a fierce naval engagement erupted off the coast of Bougainville. The battle, since known as the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay, lasted from the evening of November 1st into the early morning of November 2nd. United States Navy forces, under the command of Rear Admiral Aaron S. Merrill, confronted the formidable Imperial Japanese Navy in a pivotal showdown for control of the strategic Solomon Islands. The battle was a resounding victory for the Allied forces and another step toward the Allied victory in the Pacific theater, as it opened the way for subsequent carrier raids on Rabaul.

Under the cover of darkness, American warships, including cruisers and destroyers, launched a daring surprise attack on the Japanese convoy, unleashing a barrage of torpedoes and gunfire. The devastating precision of the American assault led to the sinking of two Japanese ships and inflicted severe damage on several other Japanese vessels. The Battle of Empress Augusta Bay showcased the tactical expertise of the U.S. Navy: they skillfully utilized radar technology and night-fighting tactics to secure a decisive victory, preventing the Japanese from reinforcing their garrison on Bougainville. It can’t be overstated how much this strategic triumph marked a crucial step towards the ultimate Allied victory in the Pacific, demonstrating the naval prowess and unwavering determination of the United States Navy in the face of formidable opposition.

Historical photos courtesy of USNI.

Combat Mission Chains

We've created some special combat mission chains to honor the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Empress Augusta Bay and the carrier raids on Rabaul. You’ll be able to participate in two different mission chains for two reward tiers, depending on whether you complete one or both series of combat missions.

We’ll also be randomly giving away 10x Premium Ship VII containers to 10 players who complete Sprint 1 of the mission chains, as well as 5x Premium Ship VIII containers to five players who complete Sprint 2, so good luck Captains!

Random giveaway winners will be selected at the end of the event.

Sprint 1

Starts: Nov 1, 03:00 AM PT (UTC-7) / your local time: Nov 1, 10:00 AM
Ends: Nov 8, 02:00 AM PT (UTC-7) / your local time: Nov 8, 10:00 AM

 ChallengeBattle TypesReward
Part 1Earn 4,000 Ship XPRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls2x “Credits +40%” special expendable economic bonuses and 
2x "Free XP +600%" special expendable economic bonuses
Part 2Earn 40 “Set on fire“ or “Target hits “ ribbonsRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls1x More Economic Rewards container
Part 3Earn 1,500,000 CreditsRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls2x "Commander XP +200%" special expendable economic bonuses and 2x "Ship XP +200%" special expendable economic bonuses
Part 4Deal 300,000 DamageRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls1x More Signals container
Part 5Earn 5 “Destroyed” ribbonsRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls2x Ocean Soul expendable camouflages
Final Reward  1x More Coal container

Sprint 2

Starts: Nov 9, 02:00 AM PT (UTC-7) / your local time: Nov 9, 10:00 AM
Ends: Nov 16, 02:00 AM PT (UTC-7) / your local time: Nov 16, 10:00 AM

 ChallengeBattle TypesReward
Part 1Earn 1,500 Free   XPRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls2x “Credits +40%” special expendable economic bonuses and 
2x "Free XP +600%" special expendable economic bonuses
Part 2Earn 250 “Target hits“ ribbonsRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls1x More Economic Rewards container
Part 3Earn 10 “Capture,” “Assisted in capture,” or “Defended” ribbonsRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls2x "Commander XP +200%" special expendable economic bonuses and 2x "Ship XP +200%" special expendable economic bonuses
Part 4Win 12 BattlesRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls1x More Signals container
Part 5Earn 40 “Set on fire” or “Caused flooding”  ribbonsRanked, Random, Co-op, Brawls2x Ocean Soul expendable camouflages
Final Reward  1x More Coal container